Risparmia il 54% The Play That Goes Wrong

The Play That Goes Wrong

Duchess Theatre

4.7/5 basato su 2034 recensioni (recensioni)
  • Rappresentazioni fino a: domenica 1 febbraio 2026
  • Durata: 2hr. Incl. 1 interval.
Famiglie (90%) Coppie (90%) Appassionati di teatro (92%) i
The Play That Goes Wrong The Play That Goes Wrong The Play That Goes Wrong The Play That Goes Wrong
Descrizione The Play That Goes Wrong
La commedia più longeva del West End The Play That Goes Wrong continua a far ridere a crepapelle il pubblico notte dopo notte.
Indirizzo del Duchess Theatre

3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB (Informazioni)

Duchess Theatre Indicazioni stradali

Limiti di età

Età 8+.

Orari spettacoli
lun - -
mar - 19:30
mer - 19:30
gio - 19:30
ven - 19:30
sab 14:30 19:30
dom 15:00 19:00
Biglietti economici per The Play That Goes Wrong
Risparmia il 54%

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3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast
3-5 Catherine Street, London, WC2B 5LA GB The Play That Goes Wrong Cast